Curtain- and cyclorama-rail ASS 2
Item No. 2400.000 ASS2 blank/bright drawn
Item No. 2410.000 ASS2 anodised
Item No. 2402.000 ASS2 special curve
The seven-pole track system for studio and stage
Our MTS-ASS 2 profile is a current and data-carrying rail system with up to 7 integrated copper cables.
Both, the power supply and the transmission of the control signals takes place via the copper cables.
The rail profile is also available in curved form and is ideal for motorized curtain pull and cyclorama systems in film and television studios as well as on stage.
Very versatile rail profile with up to 7 copper lines for energy and data transmission. The ASS1/ ASS2 profile is often used for smaller studios or when medium payload is required. Since the profile can be bent in customizable radii, it is also an ideal solution for a motorized a curtain rails/ cyclorama system.
- radius possible
- payload: 590 kg (point load, simply supported beam every 2 m)

- Motorized curtain track
- Horizon system
- Cyclorama
- Ceiling track
- Traverse
- load rail
possible, standard r = 1,5m
Width: 33 mm (55 mm incl. Schutzwinkel)
Height: 159 mm
Length: 6.000mm (Standard)
MTS – power and data transmitting studio rails:
Our MTS contact conductor rail systems are a proven and reliable concept of safe energy and data transmission, combined with strong carrier sections and running treads for all kind equipment.
The system rails are specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements in TV studios and on stage as well as for industry usage. Diffrent rail profiles cover every scope of application ; available for a broad range of playload and between 3 and 30 (or even more) integrated copper conductors. These copper conductors transmit the required energy to power the devices as well as the data signals for miscellaneous control systems.
The MTS conductor rail allows moving heavy loads and power supplies such as telescopes, pantographs, hoist, curtains and other lighting suspension.
The MTS conductor line is a contact-protected conductor line. The housing can accommodate different copper cross sections. Depending on the customer’s request, a continuous flat copper strip will be delivered loosely in rings. Compact arrangement and easy installation are the outstanding features of this conductor rail system. The ASS conductor rail complies with the VDE, European and International standards and regulations, as well as the accident prevention regulations.
The MTS ASS 2 track rail profile is an aluminum conductor rail with 7 integrated copper conductors and very high load capacity. With this system rail, high loads and power supply can be moved. In conjunction with the motorized MTS carriages, the systems can also be moved by motor. Individual control concepts are available here as well as various positioning systems.
The profile of the rail is 159mm high and 33mm wide (plus 22.1mm for the guard angle). and consists of drawn AlMgSi 0.5 F 22 to 25. On request, the Studio rail is also available in black anodized, which allows reflections to be reduced to a minimum.
For suspension is a groove channel at the top of the rail system.
ASA conductor lines are used for portable power consumers, such as Overhead conveyors, lighting installations, television studio equipment, power tools, machine tools, etc.
The creepage distance pays off according to DIN / IEC 112 / VDE 0300 Part 1. The creepage distance depends on the degree of pollution of the environment used grinding head of the rail system.
- Rail: AlMgSi 0,5 F 22 to 25
- Standard. Pulled aluminium blank
- black endonized: on request
- Isolator: PPO/PPE, halogen-free (ASS1, ASS2, ASS3), PVC (ASST10)
- Flammability: UL 94: 94 V – 0; self-extinguishing, not dripping, DIN 4102- B1 These1
- Oxygen index: ASTM D 2863: 31%
- Heat resistance: VICAT B, according to DIN 63460: 90°C
- Copper strip: E-Cu58 (Cu – ETP)
- Material standard: D 1787
- Strength: > 370
- Width: 10mm
- Thickness: per application
- 0,5 mm for max. 36 A / 600V
- 1,0 mm for max. 63 A / 600V
- 1,6 mm for max. 80 A / 600V
- 2,5 mm for max.100 A / 600V

load index

The loads are based on static analysis of the industry. For stage and studio technology the loads are reduced by 50%.

Item No. 2411.001 Guard angle

Item No. 2510.002 End feed

Item No. 2520.002 Center feed

Item No. 2511.007 Endcap

Item No. 2513.004 Topfittingsatz

Item No. 2510.012 Circuit isolation

Item No. 2512.007 Pantograph 7pol.
Item No. 2512.005 Pantograph 5pol.
Item No. 2512.003 Pantograph 3pol.
Do you need any help? Just contact our sales team for more information:

Felix Kastl
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 43 68 91 3
Fax: +49 (0) 89 43 68 91 55
MovieTech, ABC-Products, MTS

Ralf Merkle
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 43 68 91 3
Fax: +49 (0) 89 43 68 91 55
MovieTech, ABC-Products, MTS

Kenneth Shore
Tel: +41 (0) 91 68 30 606
Fax: +41 (0) 91 68 23 195
MovieTech, ABC-Products, MTS

Mounir Lahlou
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 43 68 91 3
Fax: +49 (0) 89 43 68 91 55
MovieTech, ABC-Products, MTS